Friday, August 1, 2008


Most everywhere you go nowadays you will eventually run into someone at a busy intersection holding a Cardboard Sign, soliciting your money and/or help. You've seen them right? Maybe even given them a few bucks from time to time? And most of the signs say pretty much the same thing. ..."Homeless, need help"....."Will work for food"...."Can you spare some change?"...."Hungry. Anything will help"....and on and on it goes. Of course, every so often you run into a rather unique sign like the one I saw close to where I live. A rather rough looking guy held his piece of cardboard with these words. Ready? It said, "To hell with food, to hell with a job...I need beer!" I had to admire the guys honesty! In fact I bought him a six pack!! (Just kidding).

But it brings up a question. If you and I as Christians were told by God to stand at an intersection with a Cardboard Sign, what would it say? Or to put it another way, "What is your Cardboard testimony?" We all have one, you know. What's yours? Need some ideas?

The following video is one of the strongest, most touching I have seen in a long time. Try to watch it in a quiet/alone moment and I guarantee you God will speak to your heart. And who knows, maybe I'll see you at one of those intersections some day.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


So....I received a call today from one of my dearest friends and supporters. We had not talked for a very long time due to our schedules and other "stuff" that just seems to come up. I mean life gets hectic at times, right?

Anyway, the moment I heard his message on my phone I smiled and immediately felt better. Why? Because that's what friends do. They make each other feel better...AND...they just make each other better, period! We're going to get together next week to play some golf, and just "catch up." I can't wait.

Reconnecting. Its a good thing, isn't it? Reaffirming a relationship, reestablishing a friendship, renewing a love. It's a good thing, and a God thing. So, here's the deal. Do you have someone that you love and care for, but haven't seen, or talked to for a while? Do you remember the good times you had together? Do you remember the blessing they always were to you? Listen, why not take some time out of your schedule to Reconnect? It might take a little effort on your part. You will probably have to adjust your schedule to a degree. But it will be worth it. Not only will it bless your friend or loved one, it will bless you too!

True relationship and love between God-given friends, is priceless. If you don't believe it, check this out (and have a tissue ready!)

Sunday, June 29, 2008


So....I've been thinking about this post for some time, and finally decided to go for it. About two months ago I read a book that has really gotten to me. It's called The Shack and is written by William P. Young. It can can be found at any bookstore (Christian and secular), and I'll be honest and tell you this thing has "rocked my world!"

If you Google it you will find any number of discussions concerning the book. Some praise it as the most important book written in decades , others criticize it as pure heresy! For me, while it did raise some theological questions initially, it was an emotional, edifying and "can't put it down" sort of book. In other words the positive far out weigh any negative.

I want to DARE you to read it and then let me know what you think. This book will challenge you, make you think, make you cry, make you smile and otherwise turn you "upside down and inside out!"

In fact, I have had to go back and reread it a couple of times just to grasp the incredible portraits the author paints of God, the Trinity, Heaven, Grace and especially, the picture of God's desire to Love and Heal the Hurts of His children.

I promise you one thing about this book. When you finish it, one way or the WILL have an opinion!! I'd like to hear from you.

On another note, tonight we just had our BEST service ever at New Day Church. If you're in our area and have Sunday evenings available, you owe it to yourself to check us out!!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

He Is "STILL" God!!

What in the world is happening out there? Cyclones, Tornadoes, Floods, Wildfires and Earthquakes affecting hundreds and hundreds of thousands. Global Terrorism, Drive By Shootings, Child Molestation, Racism, Barak Obama, Hillary Clinton, John McCain, Republicans, Democrats....Get the picture? Sheesh!! Its enough to make you want to run away and hide, or at least pull the covers over your head like a little child, and hope it goes away by morning!

Guess what? It ain't going away! (bad grammer, true statement). But here's the Good News. The Good News is that in the midst of all the chaos, all the unrest and all the tragedy...God is STILL God! That's a fact. He is still on His throne. He is still intervening in the affairs of man. He is still in control, even when everything around us screams, "Out of control!" And no matter how ominous and foreboding that mountain you are facing appears today, God is still in the miracle business. So don't give up, don't give in and don't give out! In fact here is a story that will give you hope, and build your faith toward our Miracle Working God. Read it and be blessed..........

World Doctors’ Conference
Heart Surgeon Relates Astounding Account of a Resurrection from the Dead.
Source: Assist News/Christian Doctors Network

( MIAMI , FL )—The audience of 120 doctors from 50 countries sat in stunned silence as a renowned heart doctor produced evidence of how, after he had prayed for a patient who had died and was being prepared for the morgue, was brought back to life after prayer. Dr. Chauncey W. Crandall IV, who serves at the Palm Beach Cardiovascular Clinic in Palm Beach Gardens , Florida , made his dramatic presentation on Friday, July 13th, 2007, at the 4th Annual World Christian Doctors Network Conference in Miami , Florida . He produced dramatic evidence that was shown on the screen and then, afterwards, agreed to tell the story to Assist News Service in an interview with Dan Wooding. The following is the interview as conducted by Dan: Dr. Crandall began by saying that the dramatic incident took place over a year ago in West Palm Beach , Florida . "We had a fifty-three year old man who came to the emergency room with a massive heart attack and actually his heart had stopped," he said. "The medical people had worked on him for over forty minutes in the emergency room and then declared him dead.

"They called me in to evaluate the patient towards the end of his treatment where they had unsuccessfully tried to revive him. The nurse was preparing his body to be taken down to the morgue when the Holy Spirit told me to 'turn around and pray for that man.' When the Holy Spirit talks to you, you have to respond. It's sometimes a quiet voice and this was a quiet voice and to honor the Lord I did turn around and I went to the side of that stretcher where his body was being prepared.

"There was no life in the man. His face and feet and arms were completely black with death and I sat next to his body and I prayed, 'Lord, Father; how am I going to pray for this man? He's dead. What can I do?' All of a sudden, these words came out of my mouth, 'Father, God, I cry out for the soul of this man if he does not know You as his Lord and Savior, please raise him from the dead right now in Jesus name.

"It was amazing as a couple minutes later, we were looking at the monitor and all of a sudden a heart beat showed up. It was a perfect beat; a normal beat; and then after a couple more minutes, he started moving and then his fingers were moving and then his toes began moving and then he started mumbling words.

"There was a nurse in the room—she wasn't a Believer—and she screamed out and said 'Doctor Crandall, what have you done to this patient?' And I said, 'All I've done is cry out for his soul in Jesus name.'

"We quickly rushed the gentleman down to the intensive care unit, and the hospital was by now buzzing about the fact that a dead man had been brought back to life. After a couple of days he woke up. He had an amazing story to tell after I had asked him, 'Where have you been and where were you on that day that you had that massive heart attack? You were gone and we prayed you back to life in Jesus name.'

"He said, 'Doctor Crandall, it's the most amazing thing. I was in a dark room and there was no light. It was complete darkness and I felt I was in a casket and I kept repeating that I was so disappointed.' He said the disappointment came from the fact that none of his family, friends or colleagues, had come to visit him. Then he told me, 'All of a sudden, these men came in and they wrapped me up and they threw me in the trash.'

"Dan, he was in hell that day and as he told me that story, I cried out, 'Lord, this gentleman needs to accept You as Lord and Savior.' I then explained the salvation message to this man as he sat in that bed and I held his hand and I cried out, 'Father God, in the name of Jesus, I pray that this man accepts you as his Lord and Savior right here in the intensive care unit.' He held out his hand and accepted Christ as his Savior with tears rolling down from his eyes and now he's a child of God. "I told him, 'You never have to be thrown in the trash into total darkness now. The life of Christ is in you and the light of the kingdom of Heaven is on you now."

I asked Dr. Crandall if there had been any brain damage to the patient.

"No there was no brain damage at all; his brain was completely normal," he said. "I was most concerned about his hands because his fingers were completely black and he had some numbness in his fingers and his feet, but now that is totally resolved."

I asked Dr. Crandall if he could give the name of the man and he said he couldn't as the patient had requested that it would not be revealed.

"All I can say is that he was fifty-three years old and he was a car mechanic," he said. "He had a family who were Believers, but he left them twenty years ago because he didn't believe in the Lord. His family continued to pray for twenty years for his salvation, and his ex-wife was on her hands and knees praying for the salvation of her ex-husband, who came to know the Lord that day."

Don't forget...........He really is STILL God!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I received an article from a friend recently, and after reading it I thought, man this stuff would be great for pets and pet owners out there reading my blog. But especially I thought it would be good for my own pet, dog.
So O. K. Bogey, pay attention. Its time for a little tune up. I am posting these "Rules" to remind you ONCE AGAIN, about who is in charge around here. (And yes, Bogey is smart enough to read this, although he hasn't mastered the computer yet. Therefore, I am posting a copy of this article VERY LOW on the refrigerator nose height! So, here goes.

Dear Bogey,

(1) The dishes with the paw print are yours and contain your food. The other dishes are mine and contain my food. Please note, placing your paw print in the middle of my plate and food does not stake a claim for it becoming your food and dish, nor do I find that aesthetically pleasing in the slightest.

(2) The stairway was not designed by NASCAR and is not a racetrack. Beating me to the bottom is not the object. Tripping me doesn't help because I fall faster than you can run.

(3) I cannot buy anything bigger than a king sized bed. I am very sorry about this. I will no longer be sleeping on the couch to ensure your comfort. As a dog, God created you to actually be able to curl up in a ball when you sleep. It is not necessary to sleep right between my legs stretched out to the fullest extent possible. I also know that sticking your tail straight out and having your tongue hanging out the other end to maximize space is nothing but sarcasm.

(4)For the last time, there is not a secret exit from the bathroom. If by some miracle I beat you there and manage to get the door shut, it is not necessary to scratch, whine, bark, try to turn the knob or get your paw under the edge and try to pull the door open. Eventually I will come out, and when I do I must exit through the same door I entered. Also, I have been using the bathroom for years...your attendance is not required!

(5)The proper order is kiss me, then go smell the other dog's butt (or lick your own). I cannot stress this enough!

And Bogey, just so you don't think I am "dissing" you without understanding your sensitive feelings, I will be posting the following info on our front door for the next week. I hope it meets with your approval, and assures you of my continued love and loyalty.

To All Non-Pet Owners Who Visit & Like to Complain About Bogey

(1) Bogey lives here. You don't.

(2) If you don't want Bogey's hair on your clothes, stay off the furniture. (That's why they call it 'fur'niture.)

(3) I like my dog Bogey a lot better than I like most people.

(4) To you, he's just a dog. But to me, Bogey is every bit my child. He just happens to be short, hairy, walk on all fours and doesn't speak clearly. (Actually, I guess he's not that different from the little hellion's running around our neighborhood with your last name!)

(5) Finally, remember that having my dog around is much better than you having your kids around, because:
-He eats less
-He never asks for money
-He is easier to train
-He normally comes when I call him
-He never asks to drive the car
-He doesn't hang out with drug-using friends
-He doesn't smoke or drink(in excess!)
-He doesn't require the latest fashions
-He doesn't want to wear my clothes
-He if he gets his girlfriend pregnant....I can sell their children!!

Ah...........a dog's life!

Sunday, March 2, 2008



"Today, Max brought a dead mouse to school in his backpack." That was the first line, of the first note ever, from my grandson Max's teacher. It seems that our little kindergarten genius caused quite a stir that day at school with his little dead friend. My son (Max's dad), said he knew something was up when Max came home that afternoon without his book bag (which the teacher later said she had thrown away!)


You see, that morning before leaving for school, Max had come running into the house to tell everyone, "I found an Anteater! I found an Anteater!" Which of course, his dad began to explain would be impossible since Anteaters don't live in Florida. They are originally from Africa and....blah, blah, blah... Typical dad, teaching his son, right? Well, Max was insistent, but gave it up finally when he saw he couldn't convince anyone. So he did the next best thing. He loaded up the dead "Anteater" in his backpack and headed off for school. Guess what? When he arrived he had no trouble getting everyone's attention, when he let it be known to the entire kindergarten class that he had a surprise in his backpack. A real African Anteater!

Well, you can imagine what happened when he pulled that thing out of his book bag. All the boys went "Cool, Max! Awesome!" And all the little girls started running around throwing up and screaming like, well, like little girls! Anyway, it wasn't long before the Anteater story began to spread and everyone from far and wide ran to take a look. Including, unfortunately, Max's teacher. She immediately grossed out, and then freaked out as she had to dispose of the poor dead "Anteater." That's where Max lost his book bag. (I mean, what learned, hygene conscious kindergarten teacher is going to actually touch a dead rodent? Throw the thing away, bag and all!) Then of course, every student who had touched it (or had come within 10 feet of it) had to scrub all the skin off their hands and report to the Hazmat Decontamination Facility (not really). But everyone did get a crash course on what was, and what was not appropriate, to bring to class. And Max? Well, he didn't exactly get in any trouble, but he was a little sad. I mean its tough to lose your Anteater AND your book bag all in one day!


Meanwhile, back at the ranch...Max was really having a problem buying into this "mouse" theory. Because after all, he had seen PLENTY of Anteater pictures in his life, and they all have teeth and a long snout (just like the one he found that morning, right?) Well, turns out Max was right. Oh, not about the Anteater, but about the mouse. Truth is, after a thorough investigation, the critter turned out to be neither a mouse nor an Anteater, but a baby opossum which had fallen from its nest into Max's front yard. (Which explained the teeth and snout!) And obviously, that meant the well intentioned teacher was wrong as well. But... we all learned a really great lesson. And that is this: "Things are not always as they first appear."


Sometimes, life offers up some pretty unusual and uncomfortable, and even down right unbearable situations. And on the surface , those situations may appear to be things which are destined to harm us, or destroy us. But that's where the "lesson of the Anteater" comes in to play. Because the Bible teaches us that "what the devil means for evil, God means for good." In fact, Paul says in Romans that "ALL things work together for good to them that love God..." In other words, even the things that are hurtful, and that appear to be designed to bring us down, are things that God promises to use to somehow, in some way, at some time, bless us.

Things are not always as they appear at first glance. Because of that, why not try thanking God today for what's troubling you? Praise Him for the things that are causing you pain. Take Him at His word when you're going through "stuff", and see if He won't (out of those things), bring you abundant blessings. And by Abundant, I'm talkin' like enough to fill up an Anteaters Snout!

Sunday, February 10, 2008


So.....I'm sprawled all out in my favorite chair the other night, doing a little daydreaming. Actually, since it was about 11:00 p.m., I guess it was "night" dreaming, but you get the idea. Anyway, I'm dreaming about the new church. And it's good stuff. I mean, I'm seeing an actual building to meet in. And it has a real office to put all my "stuff". I'm seeing a gifted worship team, first impression folks, a couple of top notch staff members, an incredible team of childrens workers. I'm seeing a parking lot full of cars, a building full of people and a big ole sign out front that says "Turn or Burn...Everyone welcome!" (Well, I'm just kidding about the sign).

Anyway, you know that point in a daydream, when after you've been at it a while, all of a sudden you snap out of it? For me it's usually when the little "drool" gets just to the bottom of my chin... So I snap out of this thing, and realize I don't feel so good. In fact, I have some real terror hitting my insides. My stomach is a little queasy, you know? And I sit up and say out loud to myself, "Holy Smoke!" (Actually thats not the word I used, but if I told you what I really said you would probably never visit the church! But remember I was half asleep...). "Holy Smoke", I said, "this church thing is going to cost some money!" And I'm thinking, where am I going to come up with that kind of money? We only have a small group, and we're all giving as much as we can, but still, we are a long ways from having a building with a flashing sign that says, "If you think it's hot here..." (There I go with the sign again).

Well, that's when I decide to go to bed, so I can toss and turn for a while and feel sorry for myself. Sure enough, about 3:30 a.m. I'm still wide awake, pillows scattered, blankets on the floor. Even the fitted sheet on the bottom has popped loose and come up around my ears. I mean I'm having a tough time here! Then it comes to me. "Where do I get the money?"... "How about prayer? How about faith? How about trusting God to supply all our need? How about believing that God has the answer to every question?" (Wow! It's like, an epiphany...a miracle!)
But now, don't go gettin' all excited on me. I am a preacher after all. And us "man of God" types are pretty much gifted to come up with great spiritul ideas like that! Yea, right.

Truth is though, it's almost funny how easy it is to get caught up in all our little worries and frettings and concerns, when all the while we have a Heavenly Father who has told us to "cast all our cares on Him." A loving Father whose Son Jesus told us not to worry about all those "things" in life. Who told us that the Father knows we have need of those "things", and will supply them. In fact He said, "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, then all these 'things' will be given unto you!"

And not only that. The Bible says that "the earth is the Lord's, and the fullness therof." That means He owns it all. Everyhing and everyone belongs to Him. That pretty well says it all, doesn't it? Truth is, it's not MY church. It's not MY money. It's not MY problem. It's not MY anything! It's all about Him. And when I get that in perspective, when I get that right, everything else falls right into place. Now, if I can just remember that late at night, maybe I can wake up with the sheets still on my bed!

Monday, February 4, 2008

I'm Diving IN!

The lyrics to Steven Curtis Chapman's song called DIVE say, "I'm divin' in, I'm goin' deep. In over my head I wanna be..." Well, I feel ya Steven...cuz I have officially dived in...and...I am officially over my head!

On January 15th The New Day Church had its first official worship service. We meet at the clubhouse in the condominium complex where I live (email me at and I will give you directions), and have as of last night completed our fourth service. And I will tell you it has been awesome!

We have great music, great preaching and teaching (in my humble opinion!), and a great spirit of expectancy. Our offerings have already been enough to allow us to purchase some much needeed equipment and invest in a web site and some basic advertising, and we still have a little left over for the days ahead. PTL!

By the way, we have three staff members. Me...I'm the preacher guy. Nancy Beard Clites...she is the first impressions, setup and "boss" girl. And we have a compliment of musicians leading us in worship like the duo of Talesha Hogan and Craig Garrison, and Dina Cribbs.

Then of course we have a church full (actually more of a small group), of commited God lovers who are anxious to see the Lord move and work. It is definately, a New Day!

So, to those of you who are on the "outside looking in" I say come join us. Come see what we are all about. And most of all, pray for us (well, actually most of all, send your money), but after that pray for us! Just kidding....

Our web site will be up soon, and I will let you know when it happens. Hope to see you next Tuesday at 7:00 P M as we gather for another wonderful service of praise and teaching. Blessings..........

Sunday, January 27, 2008


I’m sitting on my love seat looking out the window right now. The movie I was watching on TV has ended, and the slow, gentle rain has begun to fall. I’m on the second floor. It affords me a really nice view of a really pretty area. Hadn’t really thought of it that way before, but it is pretty. There are huge, beautiful tree’s, a walking path, a small lake complete with ducks…. and a black lab that just got loose from its owner. Those ducks are now officially hating life!

I’m listening to my son Josh’s piano recordings off his website too. They’re wonderful. Just him and a piano, making some great mood music. The kind of music that makes you feel all-nostalgic inside, and makes you want to reflect on everything in your life. Just makes you want to think, you know? In fact that’s what I am doing. Thinking.

Today its mostly about my children and grandchildren. And I guess, that’s to be expected, right? I mean they are my family after all, my loves, my life. I miss them. I miss the Sunday afternoons, like today, when everyone used to get together after church, and we ate, and we played, and we just hung out and loved each other. My mom was still with us then. I miss those times.

But, times change, I understand. Kids grow up, move away and have their own kids. Mom’s get old and go to heaven. I understand that. And don't get me wrong. I am grateful that my mom is in heaven, and I am grateful my children can experience as a parent, what I have experienced. I am happy, I really am. But I still miss those times.

And isn't it funny, and a blessing really, how you can be in one place physically, and yet emotionally and even spiritually be transported to an entire other place? I like that, too! I like it that God made me in such a way that I can be here looking out my window at a lab chasing ducks, yet still experience passionate feelings of love, and pride and goodness about my family..…but I still miss them. Oh well, just thinking….