Friday, August 1, 2008


Most everywhere you go nowadays you will eventually run into someone at a busy intersection holding a Cardboard Sign, soliciting your money and/or help. You've seen them right? Maybe even given them a few bucks from time to time? And most of the signs say pretty much the same thing. ..."Homeless, need help"....."Will work for food"...."Can you spare some change?"...."Hungry. Anything will help"....and on and on it goes. Of course, every so often you run into a rather unique sign like the one I saw close to where I live. A rather rough looking guy held his piece of cardboard with these words. Ready? It said, "To hell with food, to hell with a job...I need beer!" I had to admire the guys honesty! In fact I bought him a six pack!! (Just kidding).

But it brings up a question. If you and I as Christians were told by God to stand at an intersection with a Cardboard Sign, what would it say? Or to put it another way, "What is your Cardboard testimony?" We all have one, you know. What's yours? Need some ideas?

The following video is one of the strongest, most touching I have seen in a long time. Try to watch it in a quiet/alone moment and I guarantee you God will speak to your heart. And who knows, maybe I'll see you at one of those intersections some day.