Monday, April 18, 2016


I no longer believe that the story of the "fall of man" in Genesis 3 is about "sin and separation." I believe it instead, to be the story of "shame and alienation." Certainly, sin is evident and an issue, but it is not the PRIMAL issue like I have believed and subsequently taught all my Christian life.

Think. After the man and the woman ate of the forbidden tree the Scriptures describe them as being "naked and ashamed" NOT "naked and sinful." Isn't that something? Chew on that one for just a minute.
AND another thing...God never separated Himself from humankind, either during or after this incident (though Adam and Eve no doubt FELT as if He had.) Rather God came to them IN their failure and graciously covered their shame. And even when they left the garden, God was STILL with them and STILL their God.

Jesus (God) was so "right on" when He proclaimed "I will NEVER leave you nor forsake you." And "never" means what?....NEVER! Whether I am in the midst of the worst rebellion possible, or the best days of intimacy that I have ever experienced with Him...either way HE is there, forgiving my sin and covering my shame.

In fact, that is what the cross was all about. It was God's glorious display of Grace whereby He proved, once and for all, that each of us are His Beloved...whole, complete, forgiven and without shame!