Sunday, February 10, 2008


So.....I'm sprawled all out in my favorite chair the other night, doing a little daydreaming. Actually, since it was about 11:00 p.m., I guess it was "night" dreaming, but you get the idea. Anyway, I'm dreaming about the new church. And it's good stuff. I mean, I'm seeing an actual building to meet in. And it has a real office to put all my "stuff". I'm seeing a gifted worship team, first impression folks, a couple of top notch staff members, an incredible team of childrens workers. I'm seeing a parking lot full of cars, a building full of people and a big ole sign out front that says "Turn or Burn...Everyone welcome!" (Well, I'm just kidding about the sign).

Anyway, you know that point in a daydream, when after you've been at it a while, all of a sudden you snap out of it? For me it's usually when the little "drool" gets just to the bottom of my chin... So I snap out of this thing, and realize I don't feel so good. In fact, I have some real terror hitting my insides. My stomach is a little queasy, you know? And I sit up and say out loud to myself, "Holy Smoke!" (Actually thats not the word I used, but if I told you what I really said you would probably never visit the church! But remember I was half asleep...). "Holy Smoke", I said, "this church thing is going to cost some money!" And I'm thinking, where am I going to come up with that kind of money? We only have a small group, and we're all giving as much as we can, but still, we are a long ways from having a building with a flashing sign that says, "If you think it's hot here..." (There I go with the sign again).

Well, that's when I decide to go to bed, so I can toss and turn for a while and feel sorry for myself. Sure enough, about 3:30 a.m. I'm still wide awake, pillows scattered, blankets on the floor. Even the fitted sheet on the bottom has popped loose and come up around my ears. I mean I'm having a tough time here! Then it comes to me. "Where do I get the money?"... "How about prayer? How about faith? How about trusting God to supply all our need? How about believing that God has the answer to every question?" (Wow! It's like, an epiphany...a miracle!)
But now, don't go gettin' all excited on me. I am a preacher after all. And us "man of God" types are pretty much gifted to come up with great spiritul ideas like that! Yea, right.

Truth is though, it's almost funny how easy it is to get caught up in all our little worries and frettings and concerns, when all the while we have a Heavenly Father who has told us to "cast all our cares on Him." A loving Father whose Son Jesus told us not to worry about all those "things" in life. Who told us that the Father knows we have need of those "things", and will supply them. In fact He said, "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, then all these 'things' will be given unto you!"

And not only that. The Bible says that "the earth is the Lord's, and the fullness therof." That means He owns it all. Everyhing and everyone belongs to Him. That pretty well says it all, doesn't it? Truth is, it's not MY church. It's not MY money. It's not MY problem. It's not MY anything! It's all about Him. And when I get that in perspective, when I get that right, everything else falls right into place. Now, if I can just remember that late at night, maybe I can wake up with the sheets still on my bed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

right on bro! C.K