Monday, May 10, 2010


One of our Mom's at New Day Church, Katie Brown, sent me the following letter. It is a WONDERFUL Mother's Day story about the influence that Mother's have on their kids. Get ready to be blessed!! (By the way, Katie's mother's name is Sharron Cosby)

I wanted so badly to speak up yesterday (at church) and say something about the impact my mother has had on my life, how she has shaped and loved and guided me but I couldn't, so I wanted to share it now... because I dont want it to go unsaid.

Second, I was overcome with emotion this Mothers Day, I was worn down and felt beat up by my own children... on MOTHERS DAY! I told Mark that I kept waiting for one of them to tell me it was all a big joke... but that never happened. I came into church so upset, so angry and disappointed in their behavior, so mad at myself for reacting to all of it. All I knew for the first half hour of church on Mother's Day was that being a Mom is hard, very hard sometimes, but seriously, this was MOTHERS DAY, couldn't my kids be perfect for just this one day? I was doing good at holding back my tears until my mom walked in, she always knows when my heart isnt right and she knew from passing Mark on the way back out to the car with Mason and Kody's downcast look that this wasn't a Hallmark card day. When my mom hugged me and gave the "ive been there" smile and a comforting chuckle and said "it will be okay, it isnt always easy"... the tears came rushing out. I looked at my mother, complete with her crown of grace and dignity, her upright character and her sweet delicate hands that have folded in prayer for me more times than I could ever imagine and thought... she survived me, and she did it with undying, unshakable love, a love deeply rooted in the grace that only the Lord can provide, she forgives us swiftly and without question, she continues to provide and care for us, she covers us with prayer daily and I believe her prayer has literally saved my life many times.

One of the most important things I believe she did was example for us, she believes in the Proverbs 31 woman and she has lived her life in such a way that we are prepared and when faced with the difficult moments of motherhood I can use her life as a guide... "what would mom do?" She has walked with God my whole life and she has shown me in real, tangible ways how to be a Godly mother. She has laid the ground for me to grow into a mother that my children will adore, respect and cherish... like the new mother who looks at her child like a jewel, their most valued treasure that is how I see my mother... precious and rare, valued and cherished.

By the way, before you dismissed the kids you said "Mothers Day" and Mason looks up at me and says "hey, IT'S MOTHERS DAY" and gave me the biggest, cheesiest smile you could imagine, then looked at Caleb and said "Caleb, its Mother's Day"... maybe he just didn't get the memo the night before? A learning moment... my anger melted, my heart softened, I looked at my dad and we started laughing, all the unruly behavior of the morning didn't matter... Kody came and sat by me and I held my kids and as the last song played, I prayed over them, I wept into their hair, I kissed their sweet cheeks, I whispered my love to both of them; I exampled.


Unknown said...

That was ABSOLUTELY beautiful!

Unknown said...

So sweet Katie, Thanks for sharing. I know your mom is proud of you.